Posted in Book Lists

Kiss Me, I’m Irish

My Favourite Irish Love Interests

Photo Credit: Laura Tancredi @ Pexels.

Today’s Book List, Kiss Me, I’m Irish is all about My Favourite Irish Love Interests and was inspired by a recent read, Worth A Shot (aka The Irish Goodbye) by Amy Ewing.

The phrase “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” originates from the legend of the Blarney Stone, which was built into the battlements of Blarney Castle in 1446. Kissing the Blarney Stone is said to endow the kisser with the gift of the gab (the ability to speak easily and confidently in a way that makes people want to listen to you and believe you – Cambridge Dictionary). If you can’t make it to Blarney Castle, kissing an Irish person is supposed to be the next best thing.

Fun Fact: My great-great-grandfather, Austin Hall was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1853 so I’m 1/16th Irish.

I love putting together Book Lists but Kiss Me, I’m Irish was challenging because two of my favourite authors (L.H. Cosway and Marian Keyes) are Irish and most of their books are set on the Emerald Isle. Given that I’ve read 25 x books by L.H. Cosway and 16 x books by Marian Keyes so far, if I’d included all of their gorgeous Irish Love Interests (ILI) today’s Book List would have been TL:DR so I’ve decided to choose my all-time favourite ILI by each author instead.

I’m always looking for recommendations so if you’ve got any Kiss Me, I’m Irish romances I might have missed out on, please let me know either in the comments or by e-mail at

Until next time, happy reading!

(1) Shane Claymore from Unfixable by Tessa Bailey (2014)

He’s the last thing she wants…but the only thing she needs.

Willa Peet isn’t interested in love. She’s been there, done that, and has the shattered heart to prove it. Ready to shake the breakup, she heads to Dublin, Ireland. But there’s a problem. A dark-haired, blue-eyed problem with a bad attitude that rivals her own. And he’s not doling out friendly Irish welcomes.

Shane Claymore just wants to race. The death of his father forced him off the Formula One circuit, but he’s only staying in Dublin long enough to sell the Claymore Inn and get things in order for his mother and younger sister. He never expected the sarcastic American girl staying at the inn to make him question everything.

But even as Willa and Shane’s fiery natures draw them together, their pasts threaten to rip them apart. Can Shane give up racing to be with the woman he loves, or will Willa’s quest to resurrect the tough-talking, no-shit-taking girl she used to be destroy any hope of a future together?

Tags: Favourite Author / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog) / Formula One

(2) Conor Byrne from The Cosy Cottage in Ireland (Romantic Escapes #8) by Julie Caplin (2021)

Talented lawyer Hannah Campbell is after a change in her workaholic Manchester life – so on an uncharacteristic whim she books herself a place at the world-renowned Killorgally Cookery School in County Kerry. But on her first night In Ireland, sampling the delights of Dublin, Hannah can’t resist falling for the charms of handsome stranger Conor. It’s only when Hannah arrives at her postcard-pretty home at Killorgally for the next twelve weeks that she discovers what happens in Dublin doesn’t quite stay in Dublin…

Nestled amongst rolling green hills and breath taking countryside, the cookery school throws Hannah and Conor together again–for better or worse.

Tags: Chefs / Favourite Series / Five Star Reads

(3) Nicholas from Painted Faces (Painted Faces #1) by L.H. Cosway (2012)

Dublin native Freda Wilson considers herself to be an acquired taste. She has a habit of making offensive jokes and speaking her mind too often. She doesn’t have the best track record with first impressions, which is why she gets a surprise when her new neighbour Nicholas takes a shine to her.

Nicholas is darkly handsome, funny and magnetic, and Freda feels like her black and white existence is plunged into a rainbow of colour when she’s around him. When he walks into a room he lights it up, with his quick wit and charisma. He is a travelling cabaret performer, but Freda doesn’t know exactly what that entails until the curtains pull back on his opening night.

She is gobsmacked and entirely intrigued to see him take to the stage in drag. Later on, Nicholas asks her if she would like to become his show assistant. Excited by the idea, she jumps at the chance. Soon she finds herself immersed in a world of wigs, make-up and high heels, surrounded by pretty men and the temptation of falling for her incredibly beautiful employer.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Book by This Author / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog)

(4) Niall O’Connor from Worth a Shot by Amy Ewing (2024)

Cordelia James was once at the top of her game-a renowned street photographer with a massive social media following, gallery showings in Chelsea, and a lucrative book deal. But after the sudden death of her father, everything changed. Now, Cordelia can barely force herself to leave her apartment. That is, until she sees an ad for a summer gig at a cosy cottage on Ireland’s picturesque Inishmore island. Rent-free, plus a small stipend if willing to do some menial housework and look after an elderly neighbour. Cordelia is on a plane before she can talk herself out of it.

But practically the moment she steps off the boat, she crashes-literally-into Niall O’Connor, a grumpy local who’s just returned home to Inishmore from Dublin. Cordelia’s camera breaks, and Niall doesn’t give a horse’s arse about it. He’s nursing a broken heart and trying to patch up a broken life, and he has no time for posh American tourists or their thousand-dollar hobbies. The more Cordelia’s and Niall’s paths cross, the more they make each other’s lives hell. But as with all rivalries, their hatred is about to reach a tipping point-and it’s going to heat up their cool coastal nights.

Tags: Chefs

(5) Jack Devine from Sushi for Beginners by Marian Keyes (2000)

Lisa Edwards: This Prada-wearing magazine editor thinks her life is over when her “fabulous” new job turns out to be a deportation to Dublin to launch Colleen magazine. The only saving grace is that her friends aren’t there to witness her downward spiral. Might her new boss, the dishevelled and moody Jack Devine, save her from a fate worse than hell?

Ashling Kennedy: Ashling, Colleen’s assistant editor, is an award-winning worrier, increasingly aware that something fundamental is missing from her life – apart from a boyfriend and a waistline.

Clodagh “Princess” Kelly: Ashling’s best friend, Clodagh, lives the domestic dream in a suburban castle. So why, lately, has she had the recurring urge to kiss a frog — or sleep with a frog, if truth be told?

As these three women search for love, success, and happiness, they will discover that if you let things simmer under the surface for too long, sooner or later they’ll boil over.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Book by This Author / Mental Health Rep (Depression) / Office Romance / Retro Chick Lit / Top 5 Re-Reads

(6) Calvin McLoughlin from Roomies by Christina Lauren (2017)

Marriages of convenience are so…inconvenient.

For months Holland Bakker has invented excuses to descend into the subway station near her apartment, drawn to the captivating music performed by her street musician crush. Lacking the nerve to actually talk to the gorgeous stranger, fate steps in one night in the form of a drunken attacker. Calvin McLoughlin rescues her, but quickly disappears when the police start asking questions.

Using the only resource she has to pay the brilliant musician back, Holland gets Calvin an audition with her uncle, Broadway’s hottest musical director. When the try-out goes better than even Holland could have imagined, Calvin is set for a great entry into Broadway—until his reason for disappearing earlier becomes clear: he’s in the country illegally, his student visa having expired years ago.

Seeing that her uncle needs Calvin as much as Calvin needs him, a wild idea takes hold of her. Impulsively, she marries the Irishman, her infatuation a secret only to him. As their relationship evolves and Calvin becomes the darling of Broadway—in the middle of the theatrics and the acting-not-acting—will Holland and Calvin realize that they both stopped pretending a long time ago?

Tags: Favourite Author / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog) / Marriages of Convenience

(7) Colin Walsh from The Prenup by Lauren Layne (2019)

I’ve got The Prenup to thank for becoming a Lauren Layne Super Fan because it’s the 1st LL book I ever read.

My name is Charlotte Spencer and, ten years ago, I married my brother’s best friend. I haven’t seen him since.

Charlotte Spencer grew up on the blue-blooded Upper East Side of Manhattan but she never wanted the sit-still-look-pretty future her parents dictated for her. Enter Colin Walsh, her brother’s quiet, brooding, man-bun-sporting best friend, and with him a chance to escape.

He’s far from Charlotte’s dream guy as but they need each other for one thing: marriage. One courthouse wedding later, Charlotte’s inheritance is hers to start a business in San Francisco and Irish-born Colin has a Green Card.

Ten years later, Colin drops a bombshell: the terms of their prenup state that before either can file for divorce, they have to live under the same roof for three months.

Suddenly this match made in practicality is about to take on whole new meaning…

Tags: Brother’s Best Friend / Favourite Author / Five Star Reads / Lawyers / Marriages of Convenience

(8) Mark Keegan from London, Can You Wait? by Jacquelyn Middleton (2017)

Mark also appears in the prequel, London Belongs to Me.

Alex loves Mark. Mark loves Alex. But is love enough?

Since moving to London from the US, twenty-four-year-old Alex Sinclair seems to have it all: a coveted job writing for the theatre, supportive friends, and the man of her dreams—gorgeous Irish actor, Mark Keegan. But in the year since the acclaimed debut of her play, Alex and Mark’s lives have been turned upside down.

Thanks to his role on a smash-hit British TV show, Mark is catapulted to stardom. Alex couldn’t be happier—until her boyfriend’s popularity and insatiable drive to succeed means they’re apart more than they’re together. Forced to share Mark with showbiz heavy-hitters, intrusive press, and unrelenting fangirls, Alex’s hopes for a stable and committed life with him start to fade. Her struggles with panic attacks, career uncertainty, and Mark’s increasingly worrisome behaviour make her wonder: how much more can she bend before she breaks?

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Book by This Author / Five Star Reads / Mental Health Rep (Panic Attacks)

(9) Ollie Dunne from Luck & Last Resorts (Love, Lists & Fancy Ships #2) by Sarah Grunder Ruiz (2022)

Commitment-phobe Nina Lejeune lives by two rules:

1) Always have fun.

2) Don’t rely on anyone but yourself.

The first rule is easy; the second, she’s only broken once.

Ten years after fleeing home, Nina is the chief stewardess on the super yacht Serendipity, single by choice, and perfectly content with how life has turned out.

But Nina’s ex-coworker and old flame, Irish chef Ollie Dunne, isn’t so happy with the status quo. One year after leaving yachting, he’s returned as the Serendipity’s chef with an ultimatum: if Nina continues to deny she’s in love with him by the end of this charter season, he’ll go back to Ireland for good.

Nina and Ollie’s shared secret from their past threatens to shipwreck not only their relationship, but the entire boat. But as their connection grows amidst chaotic guests and crew drama, could there be smooth sailing in their future?

Tags: Chefs / Marriages of Convenience / Workplace Romance

(10) Jack Dunne from Last Call at the Local (Love, Lists & Fancy Ships #3) by Sarah Grunder Ruiz (2024)

Jack is the younger brother of Ollie from Luck & Last Resorts (see above)

Raine Hart is used to the challenges of living with ADHD. It’s why she ditched her life in Boston to busk around Europe as a traveling musician. No boss. No schedule. No one to disappoint but herself. But when a careless mistake in Ireland leaves her unable to perform, she sees no other option but to give up her nomadic life.

Since inheriting the Local, Jack Dunne has wanted to make the pub his own. But the baggage of running a family business and the intrusive thoughts that stem from his OCD make changing things a challenge.

Over a pint with handsome, tattooed Jack, Raine accidentally insults him and the pub. Instead of taking offense, Jack, impressed by her vision of what the pub could be, offers her a job bringing it to life.

But when Raine and Jack develop feelings for one another their opposite lifestyles won’t accommodate, it becomes clear the pub isn’t the only thing that needs reinventing. As the end of their business collaboration draws near, they’ll have to find a way past the limits they’ve placed on themselves or let go of a love that could last a lifetime.

Tags: Five Star Reads / Mental Health Rep (OCD) / Musicians / Neurodiversity Rep (ADHD) / Tattoo Artists

Posted in Book Lists, Cate & Kian

My Favourite Reality TV Fiction


One of my favourite things about being a book blogger is putting together book lists based on a recent or current read. After a short hiatus, I’m back reading The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren (12) again, which is all about a reality TV dating show and I’m really enjoying it so of course I had to put together a list of My Favourite Reality TV Fiction.

Critics of reality TV might dismiss it as mindless fluff but the truth is that reality TV can and has shaped the world we live in so before I discuss My Favourite Reality TV Fiction I want to get serious for a minute and talk about my introduction to reality TV with the 1st reality TV show I ever watched all the way back in 1994: Season 3 (San Francisco) of The Real World (1992+) on MTV.

The Real World SF was truly ground-breaking because of one of its cast-mates, Pedro Zamora (1972-1994). Pedro was one of the 1st openly gay men with AIDS to be portrayed in popular media and brought international attention to HIV and AIDS (he tested positive for HIV during his junior year of high school aged 17) and LGBTQ issues and prejudices. Pedro’s romantic relationship with Sean Sasser (1968-2013) was included on The Real World SF and was nominated for MTV’s Favourite Love Story. Pedro and Sean’s commitment ceremony was the first same-sex ceremony in TV history. Tragically, Pedro passed away just hours after the final episode of The Real World: San Francisco aired on 11 November 1994 from AIDS-related progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy aged just 22.

The clip below for MTV’s Proudest Moments features Wilson Cruz talking about Pedro’s legacy.

Back to My Favourite Reality TV Fiction and as a reality TV fan, new episodes of my favourite shows predominately air between September and December so how do I get my reality TV fix during the other 8 months of the year? From books, of course.

As always, if you’ve got any recommendations, you can let me know either in the comments or by e-mail at

P.S. If you’re looking for more Book Lists, you can find links to them all in the Archives.

Happy reading x

(1) Learning to Tango: Sex, Lies & Webcams (Cate & Kian #5) by Louise Hall (2021)

I couldn’t put together a list of My Favourite Reality TV Fiction without including my own, Learning to Tango: Sex, Lies & Webcams, which was inspired by my love of Strictly Come Dancing (2004+).

“I just can’t believe that my shy little sister danced the Cha Cha in front of millions of people on Saturday night. I can still remember how mortified you were when I accidentally walked in on you shaking your hips to Shakira when we were teenagers.”

In the nine years that they’ve been married, Cate and Kian Warner have been to hell and back but Cate might be facing one of her biggest challenges yet when she’s signed up to compete in a dance competition on national TV to raise money for her prenatal depression charity. Still as much of a Neanderthal as ever, Kian doesn’t just have to contend with watching another man put his hands all over his “angel”, he also has to prepare for what could be his final season as a professional footballer, seeking to end his career on a high by winning the league with his Seattle F.C. team-mates.

Of course, it wouldn’t be the Warners without a generous sprinkling of family drama. Join them for the clichéd emotional rollercoaster as family bonds are pushed to breaking point, friendships are betrayed and old scars threaten to reopen. The question is, when the music stops and the final whistle blows, just who will be the winner and more importantly, will any of them still be speaking to each other?

(2) Kissed by Reality by Carrie Aarons (2016)

If you like reality TV dating shows like The Bachelor (2002+), you’ll love Kissed by Reality. Leighton & Finn’s angsty, second-chance romance is 100% rose-worthy.

Falling in love is hard. Falling in love on national television is impossible. Right?

Leighton Aldridge did not sign up to meet her soulmate; she signed up for the lights, camera and action. So when the Hollywood-native ends up with the wounded war veteran and a ring on her finger, it’s a surprise to everyone.

What isn’t a surprise is the way she breaks Finn Wyatt’s heart, or the massively public breakup that follows.

But a year later she’s back, ready for another round on the reality TV show that brought them together. Her ex-fiancé has no idea why she left, and the dark secrets she’s bringing as baggage might make him change his mind about her.

She knows what they had was the real thing, and she’s ready to fight for him, even if it means ultimate embarrassment and heartbreak.

Finn is the new Mr. Right, the country’s favourite single guy, and the object of 25 women’s affections. But when his ex-fiancé steps onto set and back into the limelight, he wishes he never agreed to another season.

Leighton shattered his heart for the world to see, and he’s not ready to face that reality. Or the fact that he can’t focus on anyone else when she’s in the room.

Can Leighton convince him, and America, that she’s the one? Or will her future with Finn only consist of fifteen more minutes of fame?

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Book by This Author / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog) / Second Chance

(3) Tools of Engagement (Hot & Hammered #3) by Tessa Bailey (2020)

House-Flipping + Reality TV. Of course I was going to love Tools of Engagement.

Hair, makeup, clothing, decor… everything in Bethany Castle’s world is organized, planned, and styled to perfection. Which is why the homes she designs for her family’s real estate business are the most coveted in town. The only thing not perfect? Her track record with men. She’s on a dating hiatus and after helping her friends achieve their dreams, Bethany finally has time to focus on her own: flip a house, from framework to furnishings, all by herself. Except her older brother runs the company and refuses to take her seriously.

When a television producer gets wind of the Castle sibling rivalry, they’re invited on Flip Off, a competition to see who can do the best renovation. Bethany wants bragging rights, but she needs a crew and the only member of her brother’s construction team willing to jump ship is Wes Daniels, the new guy in town. His Texas drawl and handsome face got under Bethany’s skin on day one, but the last thing she needs is some cocky young cowboy in her way.

As the race to renovate heats up, Wes and Bethany are forced into close quarters, trading barbs and biting banter as they remodel the ugliest house on the block. It’s a labour of love, hate, and everything in between, and soon sparks are flying. But Bethany’s perfectly structured life is one kiss away from going up in smoke and she knows falling for a guy like Wes would be a flipping disaster.

Tags: Enemies-to-Lovers / Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Love Under Construction

(4) Wreck The Halls by Tessa Bailey (2023)

Melody Gallard may be the daughter of music royalty, but her world is far from glamorous. She spends her days restoring old books and avoiding the limelight (one awkward tabloid photo was enough, thanks). But when a producer offers her a lot of money to reunite her mother’s band on live TV, Mel begins to wonder if it’s time to rattle the cage, shake up her quiet life… and see him again. The only other person who could wrangle the rock and roll divas.

Beat Dawkins, the lead singer’s son, is Melody’s opposite—the camera loves him, he could charm the pants off anyone, and his mom is not a potential cult leader. Still, they might have been best friends if not for the legendary feud that broke up the band. When they met as teenagers, Mel felt an instant spark, but it’s nothing compared to the wild, intense attraction that builds as they embark on a madcap mission to convince their mothers to perform one last show.

While dealing with rock star shenanigans, a 24-hour film crew, brawling Santas, and mobs of adoring fans, Mel starts to step out of her comfort zone. With Beat by her side, cheering her on, she’s never felt so understood. But Christmas Eve is fast approaching, and a decades-old scandal is poised to wreck everything—the Steel Birds reunion, their relationships with their mothers, and their newfound love.

Tags: Christmas / Favourite Author / Musicians / One Bed

(5) Royally Matched (Royally #2) by Emma Chase (2017)

Before reading Royally Matched, I was sceptical that any other couple could live up to Nicholas & Olivia in Royally Screwed, the 1st instalment of the Royally Series but there’s a reason Emma Chase is one of my favourite authors and Henry & Sarah’s sweet and funny romance is equally five-star worthy.

Some men are born responsible, some men have responsibility thrust upon them. Henry John Edgar Thomas Pembrook, Prince of Wessco, just got the motherlode of all responsibility dumped in his regal lap. He’s not handling it well.

Hoping to help her grandson to rise to the occasion, Queen Lenora agrees to give him “space”—but while the Queen’s away, the Prince will play. After a chance meeting with an American television producer, Henry finally makes a decision all on his own:

Welcome to Matched: Royal Edition.

A reality TV dating game show featuring twenty of the world’s most beautiful blue bloods gathered in the same castle. Only one will win the diamond tiara, only one will capture the handsome prince’s heart.

While Henry revels in the sexy, raunchy antics of the contestants as they fight, literally, for his affection, it’s the quiet, bespectacled girl in the corner—with the voice of an angel and a body that would tempt a saint—who catches his eye.

The more Henry gets to know Sarah Mirabelle Zinnia Von Titebottum, the more enamoured he becomes of her simple beauty, her strength, her kind spirit… and her naughty sense of humour.

But Rome wasn’t built in a day—and irresponsible royals aren’t reformed overnight.

As he endeavours to right his wrongs, old words take on whole new meanings for the dashing Prince. Words like, Duty, Honour and most of all—Love.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog) / Royal

(6) Hearts on Air (Hearts #6) by L.H. Cosway (2017)

Hearts on Air might be #6 in the Hearts Series but it’s also an introduction to the Running on Air Series, which follows Trevor and his cast-mates’ adventures filming their parkour (the sport of traversing environmental obstacles by running, climbing, or leaping rapidly and efficiently – Merriam-Webster) reality TV show around the world.

3 weeks. 5 cities. 15 impossible stunts. One reality show.

Trevor Cross came into Reya Cabrera’s world with a bang and faded out with a whimper. They vowed to make it work, but life had other plans. After chasing his TV dreams for years, Trev finally became the UK’s next big reality star, but he alienated his family and friends in the process. Now he finally has everything he ever wanted. Women. Money. Fame. But none of it means anything when he doesn’t have the one thing that matters most: love.

Money leaves a gaping hole. Fame surrounds him with loneliness. And no woman makes him feel like Reya used to before the whirlwind of success pulled them apart.

He has a plan to get her back. However, with a hectic filming schedule looming, the only way to do that is to convince her to come on the road with him. Reya has been stuck in a rut for a while, and the opportunity to travel across Europe and play her music for new audiences seems like heaven. The only catch? She has to do it with the one boy who ever got close enough to break her heart. But he’s not a boy anymore, and as she gets to know him again she can’t deny her respect for the man he’s become.

Every time she’s around him her heart feels full of air, like a balloon about to pop. Little does she know, Trev’s feelings are just as tumultuous as hers. One thing’s for sure, these three weeks on the road together will either make them whole again or break them irrevocably.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Musicians / Second Chance

(7) Air Kiss (Running on Air #0.5) by L.H. Cosway (2017)

Leanne Simmons and Callum Davidson are complete opposites. As soon as they meet they know they won’t get along. However, for the sake of their TV show they agree to put their differences aside, but it’s not as easy as they think.

For one, there’s the unexplainable physical attraction they can’t seem to shake. And for two, everything out of their mouths seems to rub the other the wrong way.

Leanne wonders how she can be attracted to such a careless, narcissistic playboy.

Callum wonders why he can’t get a girl who dresses like a boy out of his head.

Before long their attraction becomes a temptation neither one of them can resist.

Tags: Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog)

(8) Off the Air (Running on Air #1) by L.H. Cosway (2019)

Spending a month filming a reality TV show with your ex is no picnic.

Especially when you’ve signed a contract stating that the two of you will not, under any circumstances, have romantic relations while filming.

Leanne Simmons and Callum Davidson never had an easy relationship. From enemies to lovers and back to enemies, they’ve been on again/off again for years. Things come to a head when Callum gets into an altercation with a rival for Leanne’s affections. Their management decide enough is enough and give them both an ultimatum: sign the contract or leave the show.

Unwilling to give up their livelihoods, Callum and Leanne sign on the dotted line. However, like always, they can’t resist making a bet. Callum thinks it’s only a matter of time before they break the agreement, while Leanne is determined to see it through.

Can she resist him for an entire month without losing her sanity? And what if this is the one bet that finally breaks them both?

Tags: Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog)

(9) Something in the Air (Running on Air #2) by L.H. Cosway (2020)

Michaela Olsson has found her soulmate in James Khan. There are just a few teeny, tiny problems…

One, he’s her boss, two, he’s too old for her, and three, well, he happens to be engaged to somebody else.

She’ll take this crush and bury it deep. She’ll take it to her grave. James already belongs to another, so she’ll lock her secret up so tight it’ll be deprived of oxygen, suffocate and die.

Too dark?

Matters are only made worse when James asks her to move into his newly purchased house to supervise the renovations. Working together every day is bad enough, but living in a house he owns is far more intimate than she expected. Then, when James decides to call off his wedding without any explanation whatsoever, Michaela wonders if perhaps her feelings for him aren’t as one-sided as she thought.

While he was engaged James shared a flat with his fiancée, but now he’s moving into the house that Michaela has been living in by herself. She hadn’t intended for it to happen, but the place has started to feel like home, and with the object of her affections suddenly sharing her living space, things become infinitely more complicated. And heated.

Soon Michaela learns she might’ve had more to do with James calling off his engagement than she could’ve possibly imagined.

Tags: Workplace Romance

(10) Sadie on a Plate by Amanda Elliot (2022)

Sadie is a rising star in the trendy Seattle restaurant scene. Her dream is to create unique, modern, and mouth-watering takes on traditional Jewish recipes. But after a public breakup with her boss, a famous chef, she is sure her career is over–until she lands a coveted spot on the next season of her favourite TV show, Chef Supreme.

On the plane to New York, Sadie has sizzling chemistry with her seatmate, Luke, but tells him that she won’t be able to contact him for the next six weeks. They prolong their night with a spontaneous, magical dinner before parting ways. Or so she thinks. When she turns up to set the next day, she makes a shocking discovery about who Luke is….

If Sadie wants to save her career by winning Chef Supreme, she’s going to have to ignore the simmering heat between her and Luke. But how long can she do that before the pot boils over?

Tags: Chefs / Favourite Author / Jewish

(11) Tonic (Tonic #1) by Staci Hart (2016)

The conflict surrounding a cast member (Joel) and a producer (Annika) falling for each other on the set of a reality TV show immediately reminded me of Season 7 (Seattle) of The Real World (1992+) when it was discovered that David was in a clandestine relationship with Kira, who was a casting director for Bunim-Murray Productions and had interviewed him during the audition process. Kira lost her job as a result of their relationship. If you want to find out more, check out this interview with David from Jezebel.

Joel Anderson doesn’t take anything seriously.

Not his relationships, which have been few and far between since his brutal divorce. Not the drama of working in a tattoo parlour, which seems to be around every corner. When things get him down, he smiles and cracks a joke. But he’s not the kind of man you cross, or you’ll find yourself at the wrong end of his fists.

Annika Belousov takes everything seriously.

Like her job as a reality television producer, given that she typically has something to prove. Or her love life, which is defined by a series of requirements — affluent, ambitious, accomplished, to name a few. Definitely her family, who worked their whole lives to afford her every opportunity, a sacrifice she doesn’t take lightly. When she’s tapped to produce a reality show at Joel’s shop, she doesn’t think twice, just goes in for the kill, as if there were any other way.

The second Annika walks into Joel’s shop, he makes it his mission to crack her open, but she’s not having it. He’s all wrong — too crass, too hairy, too un-serious. But it doesn’t take her long to find out there’s more to him than smirks and tattoos. And what she finds could put her career and his heart on the line.

Not that Joel cares. Because for the first time in a long time, he’s found his tonic.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Tattoo Artists

(12) The True Love Experiment (DNADuo #2) by Christina Lauren (2023)

Felicity “Fizzy” Chen is lost. Sure, she’s got an incredible career as a beloved romance novelist with a slew of bestsellers under her belt, but when she’s asked to give a commencement address, it hits her: she hasn’t been practicing what she’s preached.

Fizzy hasn’t ever really been in love. Lust? Definitely. But that swoon-worthy, can’t-stop-thinking-about-him, all-encompassing feeling? Nope. Nothing. What happens when the optimism she’s spent her career encouraging in readers starts to feel like a lie?

Connor Prince, documentary filmmaker and single father, loves his work in large part because it allows him to live near his daughter. But when his profit-minded boss orders him to create a reality TV show, putting his job on the line, Connor is out of his element. Desperate to find his romantic lead, a chance run-in with an exasperated Fizzy offers Connor the perfect solution. What if he could show the queen of romance herself falling head-over-heels for all the world to see? Fizzy gives him a hard pass—unless he agrees to her list of demands. When he says yes, and production on The True Love Experiment begins, Connor wonders if that perfect match will ever be in the cue cards for him, too.

Tags: Favourite Author / Five Star Reads

(13) Ready to Run (I Do, I Don’t #1) by Lauren Layne (2017)

It’s a Book List so of course it’s got to have at least 1 x book by my joint all-time favourite author, Lauren Layne and My Favourite Reality TV Fiction is extra-blessed because we’ve got 2 from the I Do, I Don’t Series.

Jordan Carpenter thinks she’s finally found the perfect candidate for Jilted, a new dating show about runaway grooms: firefighter Luke Elliott, a known player who’s left not one but three brides at the altar. The only problem? Luke refuses to answer Jordan’s emails or return her calls. Which is how she ends up on a flight to Montana to recruit him in person. It’s not Manhattan, but at least the locals in Lucky Hollow seem friendly…except for Luke, who’s more intense – and way hotter – than the slick womanizer Jordan expected.

Eager to put the past behind him, Luke has zero intention of following this gorgeous, fast-talking city girl back to New York. But before he can send her packing, Jordan’s everywhere: at his favourite bar, the county fair, even his exes’ book club. Annoyingly, everyone in Lucky Hollow seems to like her – and deep down, she’s starting to grow on him too. But the more he fights her constant pestering, the more Luke finds himself wishing that Jordan would kick off her high heels and make herself comfortable in his arms.

Tags: Favourite Author

(14) Runaway Groom (I Do, I Don’t #2) by Lauren Layne (2018)

Gage Barrett’s reputation as a ladies’ man has been greatly exaggerated, but none of that matters after a drunken bet lands him on Jilted, a reality TV show that matches runaway grooms with wannabe brides. Now he’s stuck at a Hawaiian resort with nineteen women competing to drag him back to the altar – and one contestant who’s even more miserable than he is. Gage has no idea how feisty, independent Ellie Wright wound up in the cast, but it’s obvious she hates his guts. And if there’s one thing Gage likes, it’s a challenge…

Ellie can’t believe she let her best friend talk her into exchanging her dignity for a glorified bikini contest. Still, she could use the exposure – her business is struggling – and she’ll probably be one of the first to get eliminated anyway. But Gage isn’t the shallow jerk Ellie anticipated – and he’s in no rush to send her home. As stolen kisses turn into secret trysts, she finds herself losing track of what’s real and what’s for the camera. With the wedding finale looming, this runaway groom is tempting Ellie to start believing in storybook endings.

Tags: Five Star Reads

(15) Mr Fixer Upper (Fixer #1) by Lucy Score (2017)

Another House-Flipping x Reality TV collab? Yes, please. Gannon King is a sexy-as-hell alpha male (you might need a fire extinguisher on hand when you get to *that* shower scene) with a squishy, marshmallow heart. Paige and Gannon’s sister, Cat are both kickass females in typically male-dominated industries and I dare you not to fall in love with adorable Malia Dufour.

Gannon King is great with his hands and—if you believe what you read on Twitter—he’s “sex in a toolbelt.” The reality TV star learned his lesson about falling for pretty packages the hard, painful, humiliating way and he’s not making that mistake again.

Sure, “Legs” is gorgeous as hell and smart-mouthed—two of his favourite qualities in a woman. But she’s an icy network kiss-ass. At least, that’s what he thinks until he catches her being human.

Field producer Paige St. James has zero time for temperamental stars, especially Gannon who does his best to get under her skin. She’s got plans to get out of reality TV and do something that matters.

But ratings are king and, when Paige and Gannon’s sparks are captured by cameras, the network smells a time slot victory. After an on-set accident and a vindictive celebrity “girlfriend,” Paige finds her reputation in tatters and her job hanging by a thread.

She never should have trusted him…

But now that he’s gotten those talented hands on her, Gannon’s never letting go.

Tags: Enemies-to-Lovers / Five Star Reads / Love Under Construction

Posted in Book Lists, Cate & Kian

Falling for My Best Friend’s Brother

Falling for My Best Friend’s Brother

Original Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio @ Pexels.

Today’s Book List is inspired by my current read – ‘Take Two, Birdie Maxwell’ by Allison Winn Scotch (10) which features Hollywood A-Lister, Birdie going on an RV road trip with her best friend’s twin brother (and secret crush), Elliot to discover which of her exes left her an unsigned letter asking for a second chance.

I’m such a fan of both the Falling for My Best Friend’s Brother and Falling for My Brother’s Best Friend tropes that I included them in ‘My First Half’ (1). Kian isn’t just Cate’s best friend, Sinead’s older brother, he’s also Cate’s brother, Ben’s best friend.

Take Two, Birdie Maxwell’ is the second Falling for My Best Friend’s Brother trope I’ve read recently after ‘Ready or Not’ by Cara Bastone (5), which was a Five Star Read from March 2024 so I decided to go back through my Goodreads and put together a Book List.

As always, if you’ve got any recommendations, you can let me know either in the comments or by e-mail at

P.S. If you’re looking for more Book Lists, you can find links to them all in the Archives.

Happy reading x

(1) My First Half (Cate & Kian #1) by Louise Hall (2017)

“I’ve kissed a lot of girls,” Kian said huskily, “but I’ve never felt like that before. There’s something between us, Cate and I can’t explain why or what it is, I just know that ever since we kissed last night, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” “Tell me you’re joking,” Cate said softly, “tell me this is all a wind-up.”

Cate Klein and Kian Warner absolutely shouldn’t be together. He’s a gorgeous Premier League footballer who’s famous in the tabloids for his one-night stands with models and pop princesses. Cate is 18 years old and has never even been kissed. She’s focused on studying for her A Levels and going to university. Boys don’t really notice her; she’s always been overshadowed by her vivacious best friend, Sinead. She doesn’t mind though because none of the boys she goes to college with could live up to her two crushes; Edward Rochester from Jane Eyre and Kian. There’s also the small fact that Kian is best friends with Cate’s older brother, Ben and Sinead, well she’s Kian’s younger sister.

But then on Christmas Eve, a lacy, black dress and a dare from Sinead catapults Cate straight into Kian’s waiting arms and before she can even say “mistletoe,” she’s not the quiet girl who’s never been kissed anymore. In fact the kiss they shared was so blazing hot; it must have burned up all the rule books because suddenly Kian freaking Warner actually seems to fancy quiet Cate Klein.

If their families ever found out, it would start World War 3 so they have to meet up in secret. But when tragedy strikes, Kian turns to Cate for comfort. The consequences of that night mean that they can no longer keep their relationship a secret from their families.

Cate has spent 18 years hiding in the shadows, how will she cope when she’s suddenly thrust into the harsh spotlight? He might be a Premier League footballer but being with Kian Warner definitely isn’t a fairy-tale of spa days and designer shopping trips.

Tags: Brother’s Best Friend / Oopsie Babies / Football (Soccer) / Vegas Weddings

(2) Terms and Conditions (Dreamland Billionaires #2) by Lauren Asher (2022)

Declan: I’m destined to become the next CEO of my family’s media empire. The only problem? My grandfather’s inheritance clause. Fulfilling his dying wish of getting married and having an heir seemed impossible until my assistant volunteers for the job. Our marriage was supposed to be the perfect solution to my biggest problem. But the more we act in love for the public, the more unsure I feel about our contract. Caring about Iris was never part of the deal. Especially not when breaking her heart is inevitable.

Iris: My plan to marry Declan was simple in theory. Move in together. Throw a wedding. Have a baby. We set rules to prevent any kind of issues. Ones that were never meant to be broken, no matter how much Declan tempts me. But what happens when our fake relationship bleeds into our real one? Falling in love was never an option. At least not for me.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Book by This Author / Five Star Reads / Marriages of Convenience / Office Romance

(3) Trust (Café #3) by Jana Aston (2016)

“Knock knock!”

“Um… Who’s there?”

Yeah. That was me, on my last date. Before you feel sorry for me you should know that I was the one telling the jokes. Jokes as in plural, because I didn’t stop with just one. Of course not.

Hi, I’m Chloe Scott. The most awkward single girl in the city. But I’m going to get it together. I am.

I’m going to learn how to date like a grown up. I’m going to have an orgasm not given to myself. I’m going to fall in love and live happily ever after.

Right after I get out of this interrogation room.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog)

(4) Too Beautiful to Break (Romancing the Clarksons #4) by Tessa Bailey (2017)

Leaving Belmont Clarkson is the hardest thing Sage Alexander has ever done. From the moment they met, she knew Belmont was the one, and getting up close and personal with him on his family’s epic road trip has taken her desire to a new, even hotter level. But there’s no way she can go there – not without revealing secrets that could devastate them both.

Losing Sage is not an option. Belmont’s heart is hers, has always been hers. He knows she’s hiding something from him, but nothing will stand in his way of telling her just how much she means to him. Finding her is easy – saving her from her past could cost him everything.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Friends-to-Lovers / Road Trip

(5) Ready or Not by Cara Bastone (2024)

Eve Hatch lives for surprises! Just kidding. She expects every tomorrow to be pretty much the same as today. She loves her cosy apartment in Brooklyn that’s close to her childhood best friend Willa, and far from her mid-western, traditional family who has never really understood her. While her job is only dream-adjacent, it’s comfortable and steady. She always knows what to expect from her life . . . until she finds herself expecting after an uncharacteristic one-night stand.

The unplanned pregnancy cracks open all the relationships in her life. Eve’s loyal friendship with Willa is feeling tense, right when she needs her the most. And it’s actually Willa’s steadfast older brother, Shep, who steps up to help Eve. He has always been friendly, but now he’s checking in, ordering her surprise lunches, listening to all her complaints, and is . . . suddenly kinda hot? Then, as if she needs one more complication, there’s the baby’s father, who is (technically) supportive but (majorly) conflicted.

Up until this point, Eve’s been content to coast through life. Now, though—maybe it’s the hormones, maybe it’s the way Shep’s shoulders look in a T-shirt—Eve starts to wonder if she has been secretly desiring more from every aspect of her life.

Over the course of nine months, as Eve struggles to figure out the next right step in her expanding reality, she begins to realize that family and love, in all forms, can sneak up on you when you least expect it.

Tags: Five Star Reads / Friends-to-Lovers / Oopsie Babies

(6) The Nature of Cruelty by L.H. Cosway (2013)

Her name is Lana. She wasn’t dealt the easiest cards in life. She wasn’t dealt the hardest. She has an illness, but she doesn’t let it rule her. The first time she laid eyes on her best friend’s twin brother she fell in love at first sight. It didn’t last very long. He was a hateful boy who made her miserable. The happiest day of her life was when he moved away to London six years ago.

His name is Robert. He breaks the ones who love him. He’s always liked to play games with Lana, see how far he could push her. He once thrived on her pain, but no more. Now she’s coming to London to live with his sister for the summer and this time he plans on being her friend instead of her tormentor. But Lana is scarred by his past bullying. She doesn’t trust him, nor does she have any reason to.

When the two find themselves living under the same roof, they call a truce. This summer will change both of their lives, as they put their history aside and learn one another from scratch.

When fear takes over, we use cruelty as a mask. Robert and Lana’s story will see their masks slip away as the love they felt on the inside shows its true face.

Tags: Favourite Author / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog)

(7) A Thousand Letters (The Austens #2) by Staci Hart (2017)

I lost him with a word.

A thousand letters couldn’t bring him back.

He’s home for his father, not me, that much is painfully clear. But I barely recognize the man he’s become, though I can still see a glimmer of the boy who asked me to be his forever, the boy I walked away from when I was young and afraid.

Maybe if he’d come home under better circumstances, he could speak to me without anger in his voice. Maybe if I’d said yes all those years ago, he’d look at me without the weight of rejection in his eyes. Maybe if things were different, we would have had a chance.

One regretted decision sent him away. One painful journey brought him back to me.

And two broken hearts just want to find their way home.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Modern Retelling (Persuasion by Jane Austen) / Second Chance

(8) Confessions of a Canine Drama Queen (Paws in the City #3) by Stefanie London (2023)

August Merriweather has always been good with animals. In fact, she’s known as Manhattan’s Dog Whisperer. Men, on the other hand? Not so much. She’s been falling for the wrong guys ever since her regrettable crush on Keaton Sax, older brother of her best friend, Leah, and the biggest jerkface this side of the Hudson.

Now an emotionally closed off widower, Keaton has become one of the most formidable men on Wall Street, but August knows his secret. He’s not driven by sales targets and bonus checks—Keaton just wants to give his family the security they never had. So when Leah asks Keaton to wrangle her over-the-top, dramatic husky at a weekend talent competition, Keaton says yes…and begs August to help him win the event for Leah.

Between obstacle courses, Molly’s husky temper tantrums and a cabin with just one bed, August is having a blast. Away from the pressure to have a “perfect life” with the “right guy,” she finds herself relaxing and getting to see the softer side of the man she once loved. Is this just a temporary truce? Or could Keaton finally be the right guy at the right time?

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / One Bed / Pupsters

(9) Close to You (Fusion #2) by Kristen Proby (2016)

Camilla, “Cami,” LaRue was five-years-old when she first fell in love with Landon Palazzo. Everyone told her the puppy love would fade—they clearly never met Landon. When he left after graduation without a backward glance, she was heartbroken. But Cami grew up, moved on, and became part-owner of wildly popular restaurant Seduction. She has everything she could want…or so she thinks.

After spending the last twelve years as a Navy fighter pilot, Landon returns to Portland to take over the family construction business. When he catches a glimpse of little Cami LaRue, he realizes she’s not so little any more. He always had a soft spot for his little sister’s best friend, but nothing is soft now when he’s around the gorgeous restauranteur.

Landon isn’t going to pass up the chance to make the girl-next-door his. She’s never been one for romance, but he’s just the one to change her mind. Will seduction be just the name of her restaurant or will Cami let him get close enough to fulfil all her fantasies?

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog) / Second Chance

(10) Take Two, Birdie Maxwell by Allison Winn Scotch (2024)

Birdie Maxwell thought she’d gotten everything she wanted out of life: fame, adoration, and an A-list Hollywood career. But after an on-set feud goes viral, she leaves L.A. for the one place no one would think to find her: her hometown. There, she’s startled to stumble upon a love letter from a former boyfriend asking for a second chance–but there’s just one problem: the letter was unsigned and she’s not sure which ex sent it. Still, a public reunion with an ex-boyfriend could turn the wave of public opinion back in her favour. Life imitating art. What could go wrong?

Elliot O’Brien, star reporter, knows life isn’t an actual rom-com. Case in point: He’s spent two decades suppressing his long-simmering feelings for his twin sister’s best friend, Birdie. But with his journalism career cratering and Birdie back in their hometown at the same time he is, he realizes chronicling her search for her long-ago ex may be his opportunity to right some wrongs.

As they hit the road in an ancient RV, Birdie and Elliot retrace her romantic history for clues as to who wrote the letter and come face to face with their own romantic missteps, all while grappling with whether happy endings are found only on the big screen–or whether their own happily-ever-after could be closer than they both ever imagined.

Tags: Favourite Author / Road Trip / Second Chance

(11) On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street #1) by Samantha Young (2012)

I love, love, love this book so much that it’s one of my Top 5 Re-Reads.

Jocelyn Butler has been hiding from her past for years. But all her secrets are about to be laid bare…

Four years ago, Jocelyn left her tragic past behind in the States and started over in Scotland, burying her grief, ignoring her demons, and forging ahead without attachments. Her solitary life is working well – until she moves into a new apartment on Dublin Street, where she meets a man who shakes her carefully guarded world to its core.

Braden Carmichael is used to getting what he wants, and he’s determined to get Jocelyn into his bed. Knowing how skittish she is about entering a relationship, Braden proposes an arrangement that will satisfy their intense attraction without any strings attached.

But after an intrigued Jocelyn accepts, she realizes that Braden won’t be satisfied with just mind-blowing passion. The stubborn Scotsman is intent on truly knowing her . . . down to the very soul.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Book by This Author / Favourite Series / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog) / Top 5 Re-Reads

(12) From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata (2018)

If someone were to ask Jasmine Santos to describe the last few years of her life with a single word, it would definitely be a four-letter one.

After seventeen years—and countless broken bones and broken promises—she knows her window to compete in figure skating is coming to a close.

But when the offer of a lifetime comes in from an arrogant idiot she’s spent the last decade dreaming about pushing in the way of a moving bus, Jasmine might have to reconsider everything.

Including Ivan Lukov.

Tags: Enemies-to-Lovers / Favourite Author / Favourite Book by This Author / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog) / Sports Romance (Figure Skating)

Posted in Book Lists

My Favourite Fictional Florists & Gardeners

“A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in--what more could he ask A few flowers at his feet and above him the stars.” (1)

Photo Credit: Kübra Arslaner @ Pexels

“A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in–what more could he ask? A few flowers at his feet and above him the stars.” Victor Hugo (Les Miserables)

Today’s blog post is all about My Favourite Fictional Florists & Gardeners and was inspired by a recent read, You Are My Sunshine by Lily Kate. It’s the perfect day to post about it as well because according to the meteorological calendar, today (1 March) is the first day of Spring in the Northern hemisphere and when I think of Spring, I automatically think of flowers.

As always, if you’ve got any recommendations, you can let me know either in the comments or by e-mail at

P.S. If you’re looking for more Book Lists, you can find links to them all in the Archives.

Happy reading x

(1) Practice Makes Perfect (When in Rome #2) by Sarah Adams (2023)

How hard can it be to find the perfect match?

Florist Annie Walker is determined to find someone who complements her life. But after overhearing her latest date describe her as ‘so unbelievably boring’, Annie wonders if the problem might be her. Is it too late to become flirtatious and fun like the leading ladies in her favourite romance movies? Maybe she only needs some practice . . . and Annie has the perfect tutor in mind.

Sexy and tattooed Will Griffin is temporarily back in Rome, Kentucky, providing security for pop-star Amelia Rose in the build-up to her wedding to Annie’s brother. He also has his own agenda: stay away from Annie Walker and any attachments to this sleepy town, which becomes difficult when she enlists him to help fix her love life.

Amid steamy practice dates and strictly ‘educational’ tutoring lessons, the lines of their friendship blur and Annie reconsiders what her ‘dream guy’ might look like. Maybe her love life doesn’t need to be perfect – it just needs to be real.

Tags: Bodyguards / Dating Lessons / Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Five Star Reads

(2) Secretly Yours (A Vine Mess #1) by Tessa Bailey (2023)

Hallie Welch fell hard for Julian Vos at fourteen, after they almost kissed in the dark vineyards of his family’s winery. Now the prodigal hottie has returned to Napa Valley, and when Hallie is hired to revamp the gardens on the Vos estate, she wonders if she’ll finally get that smooch. But the starchy professor isn’t the teenager she remembers and their polar opposite personalities clash spectacularly.

One wine-fuelled girls’ night later, Hallie can’t shake the sense that she did something reckless—and then she remembers the drunken secret admirer letter she left for Julian. Oh shit.

On sabbatical from his Ivy League job, Julian plans to write a novel. But having Hallie gardening right outside his window is the ultimate distraction. She’s eccentric, chronically late, often literally covered in dirt—and so unbelievably beautiful, he can’t focus on anything else. Until he finds an anonymous letter sent by a woman from his past.

Even as Julian wonders about this admirer, he’s sucked further into Hallie’s orbit. Like the flowers she plants all over town, Hallie is a burst of colour in Julian’s grayscale life. For a man who irons his socks and runs on tight schedules, her sunny chaotic energy makes zero sense. But there’s something so familiar about her… and her very presence is turning his world upside down.

Tags: Favourite Author / Second Chance

(3) A Crack in Everything (Cracks Duet #1) by L.H. Cosway (2018)

Life used to be simple.

I was a city girl with humble dreams. Then Dylan O’Dea broke into my flat, held me against the wall and told me to stay quiet.

It was like in the movies, where the universe zeros in on a single scene. I looked into his eyes and knew he was going to change me.

For Dylan, the sky was always falling. He showed me how our world is a contradiction of beauty and ugliness. How we choose to ignore the awful and gloss over it with the palatable. How you need just a tiny drop of something unsavoury to create every great scent.

Pretty deep for a pair of teenagers living in a block of council flats in inner city Dublin, right? Probably. But we weren’t typical. We both had our obsessions. Mine was growing things, Dylan’s was scent. He taught me how to use my nose, and I introduced him to the magic of flowers.

I had no idea that one day he’d build an empire from what we started together. But before that, there was love and happiness, tragedy and epic heartbreak…

My name is Evelyn Flynn and I’m going to tell you about the crack in everything.

Tags: Favourite Author / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog) / Second Chance

(4) How the Light Gets In (Cracks Duet #2) by L.H. Cosway (2018)

He came back to me 16 minutes and 59 seconds into Beethoven’s Symphony no. 7.

We parted amid tragedy, so it seemed poetic. Dylan O’Dea, my childhood sweetheart, had once meant everything to me. Now we were strangers, and honestly, after eleven years I never thought I’d see him again.

I lived in the world of the average, of getting paid by the hour and budgeting to make ends meet. But Dylan, he lived in the world of wealth and success. He’d achieved the great things I always suspected he would. The dissatisfaction he’d felt as a teenager had obviously been an excellent motivator.

He started a business from scratch, pioneered a brand, and created perfumes adored by women across the globe. I was just one of the people who’d been there before. Now he was living his best life in the after.

And me, well, I’d been in a dark place for a while. Slowly but surely, I was letting the light back in, but there was something missing. I was an unfinished sentence with an ellipsis at the end. And maybe, if I was brave enough to take the chance, Dylan could be my happy ending.

Tags: Favourite Author / Second Chance

(5) Coming Up Roses (Bennet Brothers #1) by Staci Hart (2019)

Everyone hates parts of their job.

Maybe it’s the paperwork. Maybe it’s the day-to-day grind. Maybe it’s that client who never knows what they want, or the guy who always cooks fish in the microwave.

But not me. I love every corner of the Longbourne Flower Shop, every flower, every petal, every stem. I love the greenhouse, and I love Mrs. Bennet, my boss. I love creating, and I love being a florist. I don’t hate anything at all.

Except for Luke Bennet.

The Bennet brothers have come home to help their mom save the flower shop, and Luke is at the helm. His smile tells a tale of lust, loose and easy. He moves with the grace of a predator, feral and wild. A thing unbridled, without rules or constraint.

When he comes home to save Longbourne, I almost can’t be mad at him.


He doesn’t remember that night I’ll never forget. That kiss, touched with whiskey and fire. It branded me like a red-hot iron. But it meant nothing to him.

Everyone hates part of their job, and I hate Luke Bennet.

Because if I don’t, I’ll fall in love with him.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog) / Second Chance

(6) Gilded Lily (Bennet Brothers #2) by Staci Hart (2019)

They say there’s no such thing as perfect.

But I’ve built my life to perfection—the perfect boyfriend, the perfect apartment, the perfect career planning celebrity weddings. My job—my only job—is to make sure every event is absolutely and completely perfect.

What’s not perfect? Kash Bennet.

And I wish I didn’t find that so appealing.

I could have told you every perfectly imperfect thing about the gardener at Longbourne. Like his hair, lush and black and far too long. Or his nose, the flat bridge of a Greek god, bent a little like it’s been broken. Or his size. Beastly. Roped and corded with muscles, gleaming with sweat and peppered with dirt. There’s no escaping him, not if I’m going to use his family’s flower shop for my events.

But nothing is what it seems. And in the span of a heartbeat, my perfect life is turned inside out. They say the best way to get over somebody is to get under somebody new. When Kash offers his services to the cause, it sounds like the perfect plan.

What’s not part of the plan? Falling in love with the gardener.

But they were right—there’s no such thing as perfect.

And I’m the fool who finds out the hard way.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog)

(7) Mum’s The Word (Bennet Brothers #3) by Staci Hart (2020)

Falling in love with a Bennet is not an option.

My mother has summoned me home to take my place at Bower Bouquets, and as the heiress, I’m expected to do as I’m told. I’m expected to sit by her side as she does her best to decimate the Bennet family and their flower shop, Longbourne. I’m expected to play by her rules, or she’ll ruin me too.

But the day I crash into Marcus Bennet changes everything.

And the kiss seals the deal.

If my mother finds out, I’ll lose everything—my family, my life, my security. Worse, she’ll make sure the Bennets pay for my mistakes.

Falling in love with a Bennet is not an option.

But I might not have a choice.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog)

(8) You Are My Sunshine by Lily Kate (2024)

Finn DiMaggio is a man who likes his coffee black…just like his heart.

At least, that’s Josie Andrews will tell anyone who listens.

As the owner of Fantasie’s only flower stand, Josie has harboured a not-so-secret rivalry with Finn for decades. Not even the nosiest busybodies in town know what happened to cause the catastrophic rift between the grumpy sheriff and the sunny flower-slinger, but one thing that’s clear is it’s only a matter of time before the two’s spicy bickering leads them to a fiery combustion…in one way or another.

Finn DiMaggio can’t seem to keep his guard up when it comes to Josie Andrews. He’s either head over heels in love with her…or her sworn enemy. But when circumstances change and Josie’s left vulnerable and broken, Finn can’t stand on the sidelines and watch.

However, the more time Finn spends with Josie, the more the sheriff realizes that maybe it’s not Josie who has needed rescuing all along. Maybe she’s the one who’s been saving him this whole time.

Tags: Enemies-to-Lovers / Second Chance

(9) Family for Beginners by Sarah Morgan (2020)

Who says you can’t choose your family?

When Flora falls in love with Jack, suddenly she’s not only handling a very cranky teenager, but she’s also living in the shadow of Jack’s perfect, immortalised wife, Becca. Every summer, Becca and Jack would holiday with Becca’s oldest friends and Jack wants to continue the tradition, so now Flora must face a summer trying to live up to Becca’s memory, with not only Jack’s daughter looking on, but with Becca’s best friends judging her every move…

The more Flora tries to impress everyone, the more things go horribly wrong…but as the summer unfolds, Flora begins pushing her own boundaries, and finding herself in a way that she never thought she needed to.

And she soon learns that families come in all shapes and sizes.

Tags: Favourite Author / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog)

(10) Christmas in Cape May (Sunshine Sisters #3.5) by Jennifer Probst (2023)

Devon Pratt loves many things in life. The beauty of flowers. The yin and yang of energy. The power of positivity in people. And everything to do with the Christmas season.

As a floral shop owner in the beach town of Cape May, she looks forward to decorating both the town and running the annual holiday party to benefit the local animal shelter. Too bad the new owner of her favourite venue is more like the Grinch than Santa. Working with him will be a challenge, but she’s too full of seasonal cheer to let him annoy her, right?

Jameson Franklin hates many things in life. Crowds. Fake cheer. Ostentatious décor. And especially Christmas. The season is full of things he’d rather avoid, but since taking over the popular restaurant Vintage temporarily for his cousin as a favour, he’s trying to play nice with the locals. Too bad the florist is insisting on overrunning his sacred space with blooms, dogs, and an endless positive persistence that pushes all of his buttons. But when too many heated confrontations lead to heated encounters, he begins to wonder what it would be like to love not only Christmas, but Devon Pratt.

Let the festivities begin.

Tags: Christmas / Favourite Author / Favourite Series

(11) Jonquils for Jax (The Rousseaus #1) by Katy Regnery (2016)

Jacqueline “Jax” Rousseau is vivacious, rich, smart and beautiful…but that doesn’t mean she’s lucky in love: she’s dated doctors, lawyers, actors and politicians who’ve all managed to end up disappointing her. In fact, she’s on a self-imposed hiatus from love when she has an unpleasant run-in with her neighbour’s gorgeous new landscaper, Gardener Thibodeaux.

Jax is not accustomed to gruff, ill-mannered men that can’t be charmed, but when he saves her skin, she realizes that something about Gard intrigues her…and if she can find her way through the armour that surrounds his heart, she might finally find a love that won’t let her down.

Tags: Favourite Author

(12) Maggie Moves On by Lucy Score (2022)

Can these opposites turn up the heat… without burning down the house?

House-flipping sensation and YouTube star Maggie Nichols can’t wait to dig into her next challenge. Arriving in tiny Kinship, Idaho, with only a cot and a coffeemaker, Maggie is prepared to restore a crumbling Victorian mansion in four months or less. She has her to-do lists, her blueprints, and her team. What she doesn’t have is time for sexy, laid-back landscaper Silas Wright.

The man takes flirtation to a whole new level. And he does it shirtless…sometimes pants-less. He and his service school-dropout dog are impressively persistent. But she’s not interested in putting down roots. Not when fans tune in to watch her travel the country turning dilapidated houses into dream homes. A short-term fling on the other hand could fit nicely into her calendar. After all, Maggie remembers what fun is like. Vaguely.

As their summer gets downright steamy, Silas manages to demolish the emotional walls she’s spent years building, sending Maggie into a panic. He’s the wrench in her carefully constructed plans. With the end of the project looming, she has a decision to make. But how can she stay when her entire career is built on moving on?

Tags: Love Under Construction / Pupsters


Posted in Book Lists, Poppy & The Gents

My Favourite Secret Baby Tropes

Secret Baby Trope Recommendations

Today’s post is all about one of those tropes that’s like Marmite (you either love it or you hate it): Secret Babies.

Obviously I love the Secret Baby (SB) trope given that I wrote my own version with Poppy & The Gents (see below).

Let’s start with what defines the SB trope? At its most basic, it’s where the existence of a baby (or child) is hidden from the biological father.

Today’s list includes several different variations on the typical SB trope including (1) the Female Main Character (FMC) isn’t the mother of the SB, (2) the SB is adopted before the Male Main Character (MMC) finds out and (3) it’s the biological father’s family who didn’t know about the SB and only find out after he passes away.

P.S. I’ve tried my best to avoid them but I can’t guarantee that this post will be 100% Spoiler Free.

As always, if you’ve got any recommendations, you can let me know either in the comments or by e-mail at

P.S. If you’re looking for more Book Lists, you can find links to them all in the Archives.

Happy reading x

(Originally Published: 23 February 2024, Last Updated: 30 May 2024)

(1) Poppy & The Gents by Louise Hall (2021)

Poppy Jones doesn’t date. She’s too busy taking care of her younger sister and managing The Gents, a coffee kiosk at the Arches, a legal graffiti space in South East London.

Street artist, Gabriel Morrone is exactly the type of person Poppy despises. He lives life on his own terms. All he cares about is what he’s going to paint next. That all changes when he comes back from getting coffee one morning to find the three-year-old son he never knew about abandoned on his doorstep.

A rookie parenting mistake immediately puts the reckless artist on a collision course with Perfect Poppy and it is hate at first sight.

When Poppy and Gabriel are forced to spend time together by Poppy’s meddling teenage sister, they realise they’re more similar than they first thought. Living in the moment with Gabriel gives Poppy the chance to reclaim her lost youth while Not-So-Perfect Poppy might be the ideal person to help Gabriel navigate his way through the rocky terrain of fatherhood.

Amidst a backdrop of growing tension between two rival street gangs at the Arches, Poppy and Gabriel’s relationship will face the ultimate test when his son’s biological mother makes a surprise return, setting off a devastating chain of events.

After the paint’s dried, can Gabriel prove to Poppy that he’s no longer the rakish, irresponsible artist she first met at the Arches? Will Poppy be brave enough to give Gabriel another chance even though life with him will never be safe and predictable?

Tags: Guardians

(2) Dr. Single Dad (Doctors #5) by Louise Bay (2024)

When a one-night stand announces I just became a father to a baby girl, my world is thrown into turmoil. My choice: single fatherhood or sign adoption papers. The decision is easy. Within hours, I’m on a plane to collect my daughter.

I’m in over my head. I barely know one end of a baby from the other. Luckily, I have the perfect plan. I’ll hire live-in help, have limited involvement with the kid, and keep my life just the same as it’s always been.

I finally find a nanny who lives up to my exacting standards. But the only problem is, every time I look at her, the future I thought I wanted starts to crumble.

Nothing in my life is going according to plan… and the wriggling poo machine in my arms is unexpectedly worming her way into my heart.

Life was ordered and logical until I got myself two roommates and started falling in love with both of them.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Nannies

(3) Bountiful (True North #4 & Brooklyn Bruisers #5) by Sarina Bowen (2017)

Once upon a time a cocky, copper-haired tourist sauntered into Zara’s bar. And even though she knew better, Zara indulged in a cure for the small-town blues. It was supposed to be an uncomplicated fling—a few sizzling weeks before he went back to his life, and she moved on.

Until an accidental pregnancy changed her life.

Two years later, she’s made peace with the notion that Dave From Brooklyn will never be found. Until one summer day when he walks into her coffee shop, levelling her with the same hot smile that always renders her defenceless.

Hockey star Dave Beringer has never forgotten the intense month he spent with prickly Zara. Their nights together were the first true intimacy he’d ever experienced. But the discovery of his child is the shock of a lifetime, and his ugly past puts relationships and family out of reach.

Or does it? Vermont’s countryside has a way of nurturing even tortured souls. The fields and the orchards—and hard won love—are Bountiful.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Sports Romance (Ice Hockey)

(4) Lies & Lullabies (Hush Note #1) by Sarina Bowen (2020)

Once upon a time, he gave me a summer of friendship, followed by one perfect night. We shared a lot during our short time together. But he skipped a few crucial details.

I didn’t know he was a rock star.

I didn’t know his real name.

Neither of us knew I’d get pregnant.

And I sure never expected to see him again.

Five years later, his tour bus pulls up in Nest Lake, Maine. My little world is about to be shattered by loud music and the pounding of my own foolish heart.

Tags: Favourite Author / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog) / Musicians

(5) Before We Were Strangers by Renee Carlino (2015)

To the Green-eyed Lovebird:

We met fifteen years ago, almost to the day, when I moved my stuff into the NYU dorm room next to yours at Senior House.

You called us fast friends. I like to think it was more.

We lived on nothing but the excitement of finding ourselves through music (you were obsessed with Jeff Buckley), photography (I couldn’t stop taking pictures of you), hanging out in Washington Square Park, and all the weird things we did to make money. I learned more about myself that year than any other.

Yet, somehow, it all fell apart. We lost touch the summer after graduation when I went to South America to work for National Geographic. When I came back, you were gone. A part of me still wonders if I pushed you too hard after the wedding…

I didn’t see you again until a month ago. It was a Wednesday. You were rocking back on your heels, balancing on that thick yellow line that runs along the subway platform, waiting for the F train. I didn’t know it was you until it was too late, and then you were gone. Again. You said my name; I saw it on your lips. I tried to will the train to stop, just so I could say hello.

After seeing you, all of the youthful feelings and memories came flooding back to me, and now I’ve spent the better part of a month wondering what your life is like. I might be totally out of my mind, but would you like to get a drink with me and catch up on the last decade and a half?


Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Book by This Author / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog)

(6) King of Hearts (Hearts #3) by L.H. Cosway (2015)

I used to rule the world.

There might be wolves on Wall Street, but there were crocodiles in Canary Wharf. Some of us craved money. Some of us craved power.

I liked money, and power had its advantages, but what I really wanted was to excel, to surpass the men who came before me. I never cared much for love and romance until I met Alexis.

I could feel it the very moment she walked into the interview, with her outspoken charm and vivacious personality. She cast all the others in shadow, made me laugh when life held no humour. Our friendship should have remained professional, but it wasn’t long before the lines started to blur.

You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? Well, I never foresaw where my plans would lead, and only in my darkest hour did I finally see the light…

You can have all the money and prestige in the world and still be the poorest man alive. And love, well, I hate to use a tired old cliché, but love can be the thing that truly sets you free.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog) / Office Romance

(7) The Cad and the Co-Ed (Rugby #3) by L.H. Cosway (2017)

Keeping a secret this big is going to take lots of balls. Specifically, rugby balls.

THE CAD: Bryan Leech is a cad. Or, he *was* a cad. No one is quite certain.

Once the quintessential playboy, Bryan claims he’s done with wild parties and weekend benders. No more one night stands leading to mornings he can’t remember; no more binges and blackouts; no more exploits plastered all over the tabloids and rag sheets. According to Bryan, he’s cleaning up his act.

The only problem is, no one believes him.

THE CO-ED: Eilish Cassidy never thought she’d be a mother at nineteen or still in college at twenty-four. Cut off from every member of her family except her favourite cousin, she’s finally managed to put her life back together. Stronger and wiser, Eilish enters her last semester of university determined to stand on her own. Now she just needs to find an internship.

The only problem is, her best option—by far—places her directly in the path of her son’s father, and he doesn’t remember her at all.

THE PLAN: Bryan is determined to prove he’s changed. Eager to settle down with the right woman, he’s got his sights set on the gorgeous redhead who seems terribly familiar.

Eilish is determined to hide her secret. She’ll do anything to keep her child safe, even if that means ignoring her own wishes and desires.

But what happens when Bryan starts to remember? And what will it take for Bryan to convince the girl he forgot that she’s unforgettable?

Tags: Favourite Author (L.H. Cosway) & Favourite Author (Penny Reid) / Favourite Series / Sports Romance (Rugby)

(8) Only You (One and Only #1) by Melanie Harlow (2018)

Nate Pearson is ridiculously handsome and wears the hell out of a suit and tie, but I’ve seen the parade of beautiful women leaving his apartment across the hall—a different one every time—and I want no part of it. When it comes to romance, I’m looking for something real, something that will last: the happily ever after.

As a divorce attorney, he loves to tell me there’s no such thing.

As a wedding planner, I choose to disagree.

We disagree on almost everything, in fact. Everything except James Bond. The only time we really get along is when we’re watching 007 flicks together, and I’ll admit—he has rescued me from a disaster or five. So when one of the baton twirlers from his parade leaves a baby girl at his door with a note that says “I’ll come back for her” and he begs me for help, I can’t turn him down.

But it’s a mistake.

Because watching him with his daughter, I start to see another side of Nate, a side that has my breath coming faster, my body craving his, my heart longing for him to change his mind about love and tell me there’s a chance for us.

I don’t want to be just another girl leaving his apartment in the morning.

I want to be the one he asks to stay.

Tags: Favourite Author / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog) / Lawyers

(9) Unforgettable (Cloverleigh Farms #5) by Melanie Harlow (2020)

Back then, I had it all. Wicked fastball. Killer instinct. Cocky grin. Full package. (And believe me, I knew how to score.)

My senior year, I was a first round draft pick with a two-million-dollar signing bonus. Before I could even legally buy myself a beer, I made my Major League debut.

Point is, I was invincible. Until one day I wasn’t.

After tanking my career—during the World Series, no less—the last thing I want to do is return to my hometown, where every jerk in a ball cap has an opinion about what went wrong with my arm.

So when my sister drags me back to town for her wedding, I vow to get in and out of there as quickly as possible.

Then I run into April Sawyer.

In high school we were just friends, but I’d always wanted her, and I’d never forgotten her—the red hair, the incredible smile, the crazy, reckless thing we did in the back of my truck the night we said goodbye.

It’s been eighteen years, but one look at her and I feel like my old self again. I can still make her laugh, she can still take me down a notch, and when the chemistry between us explodes, it’s even hotter this time around—and I don’t want it to end.

But just when I think I’m ready to let go of the past and get back in the game, life throws me a curveball I never saw coming.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Five Star Reads

(10) Friends with Benedicts by Staci Hart (2021)

Timing is everything.

Presley Hale and Sebastian Vargas are no strangers to goodbye. Their high school summers were spent wrapped up in each other until she would inevitably go home to California. One season after college, Sebastian finally escaped the little Texas town to travel the world, and they said goodbye for what they thought might be the last time. Sebastian went one way. Presley went the other.

For the first time in five years, they’re both in town, but the timing is no better than ever. So the only thing to do is what they do best. Keep it casual. Friends with benefits. They’ve done it before—doing it again will be easy. But their hearts don’t get the memo.

When the lines of their arrangement blur, Presley and Sebastian are faced with decisions they’ve avoided for years. And that’s not even their biggest problem. A small town in danger of failing. A secret that could tear them apart. And two hearts that can’t hide anymore.

They’ve shared so many summers, but none compare to what they’ll face.

Timing is everything. And their time is almost up.

Tags: Favourite Author

(11) Finding Cinderella (Hopeless #2.5) by Colleen Hoover (2013)

A chance encounter in the dark leads eighteen-year-old Daniel and the girl who stumbles across him to profess their love for each other. But this love has conditions: they agree it will last only one hour, and it will be only make-believe.

When their hour is up and the girl rushes off like Cinderella, Daniel tries to convince himself that what happened between them seemed perfect only because they were pretending it was. Moments like that happen only in fairy tales.

One year and one bad relationship later, his disbelief in love-at-first-sight is stripped away the day he meets Six: a girl with a strange name and an even stranger personality. Unfortunately for Daniel, finding true love doesn’t guarantee a happily ever after… it only further threatens it.

Will an unbearable secret from the past jeopardize Daniel and Six’s only chance at saving each other?

(12) A Lie for a Lie (All In #1) by Helena Hunting (2019)

Sometimes I need an escape from the demands, the puck bunnies, and the notoriety that comes with being an NHL team captain. I just want to be a normal guy for a few weeks. So when I leave Chicago for some peace and quiet, the last thing I expect is for a gorgeous woman to literally fall into my lap on a flight to Alaska. Even better, she has absolutely no idea who I am.

Lainey is the perfect escape from my life. My plan for seclusion becomes a month-long sex fest punctuated with domestic bliss. But it ends just as abruptly as it began. When I’m called away on a family emergency, I realize too late that I have no way to contact Lainey.

A year later, a chance encounter throws Lainey and me together again. But I still have a lie hanging over my head, and Lainey’s keeping secrets of her own. With more than lust at stake, the truth may be our game changer.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Sports Romance (Ice Hockey)

(13) Heart of Glass (Fostering Love #3) by Nicole Jacquelyn (2018)

Henry Harris was living his dream as a staff sergeant in the Marines. When he’s killed in action, his devastated family is in for one more shock: he had a daughter they never knew about.

Morgan Riley has been raising Etta on her own, and that’s always been fine by her – until Henry’s brother Trevor arrives on her doorstep, willing to do anything to help and make up for his brother’s mistakes. Their attraction feels wrong, but Morgan can’t seem to turn him away.

Trevor is suddenly in too deep. He has always wanted a family, but Etta and Morgan come with complications. Yet as Etta brings them closer together, Trevor begins to imagine giving Morgan and Etta the life his brother never could. But he wonders if Morgan will ever learn to trust another man with her heart, especially a man whose last name is Harris.

Tags: Favourite Author / Favourite Series / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog)

(14) Feisty Red (Three Chicks Brewery #2) by Stacey Kennedy (2020)

She’s prepared for anything… except for the second chance with her cowboy ex she never saw coming.

Clara Carter is the brains behind Three Chicks Brewery. The oldest and most responsible of the Carter sisters, she doesn’t have time for anything but taking care of her son and making sure her family’s top beer, Foxy Diva, gets into bars across North America. Which means getting the brew in front of Colorado’s biggest beer distributor. Unfortunately, that becomes tricky when the man in charge of distribution is none other than Sullivan Kenne, the cowboy who ran out on her seven years ago.

Sullivan’s life has been one wrong move after another. First, he tried to prove himself to his bastard father by signing a contract to play professional baseball, a choice Sullivan still regrets. Then he bailed on Clara, the only woman he’s ever loved. Seeing her again makes Sullivan determined to right his wrongs. Unfortunately, he wasn’t counting on one of those wrongs being a six-year-old son he never knew about.

Reuniting with Clara and meeting his son is a shocking–and amazing–experience. But as much as Sullivan tries to return to his roots and be the stand-up cowboy of Clara’s dreams, the reality is, she’s having trouble trusting him. Luckily, Sullivan knows the way to Clara’s heart, and he’ll prove to her that a second chance with a cowboy is worth the risk.

(15) Tattered (Lark Cove #1) by Devney Perry (2018)

Thea Landry has always known her place in modern-day society. It’s somewhere just above the trash can her mother dumped her in as a newborn but below the class where much comes easy. With her tattered shoes and bargain-bin clothes, her life has never been full of glamour.

So when a rich and charismatic man takes interest, she doesn’t fool herself into thinking their encounter is anything more than a one-night stand. Months later, she’s kicking herself for not getting his phone number. Or his last name. She’s given up hope of seeing him ever again.

Until one day, years later, Logan Kendrick waltzes into her life once more and turns everything she’s built upside down. This time around, she won’t make the same mistake. She’s going to fight to keep him in her life—not for herself.

But for their daughter.

(16) The Best Thing by Mariana Zapata (2019)

Some things are easily forgiven. Other things… not so much.

Lenny DeMaio made herself a promise: she was done.

Done thinking about him.

Done worrying about him.

Done reaching out to a man who clearly didn’t want to be found.

Too bad no one gave Jonah Collins the memo.

Tags: Favourite Author / Five Star Reads (Pre-Blog) / Sports Romance (Rugby)